Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.
—Will Rogers
I must admit, I think I have a severe case of the Winter Blues.
It has been almost a week since I have updated. Time sure does fly when you're busy. In the past week I have worked out most of the days, cleaned some, and tried to stabalize myself.
This weeks lesson for me was about emotional health. I plan to quit smoking, as it is an unhealthy crutch. The medicine I plan to be on to help me with this is also an antidepressant.
Mum and I are going to be going to the community center here, for healthy activities like Tai Chi, Yoga, and walking groups... But it is also greatly for our own social benifit, as we could both use friends in the area. Kaity and I might also start doing ZUMBA, though I am not quite sure how to feel about this... I feel silly.
My weight has been stable, I am not gaining or losing anything, and I think most of this is attributed to my eating habits. Mum and I are going to start weigh ins on Mondays of each week. She is going to order more salad like things, which I think is brilliant.
-- A.E.